By Nancy Campbell on Sunday, 23 October 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


It grieves me when I hear people say they are angry with God. Really? Who do we think we are to be mad at Him? He is the God of the universe, the Creator of the world, the Creator of our bodies, the God who judges righteously and perfectly, the God who loves us with an everlasting love, the God who works everything out for our good even when we can't see it, and the God who sent His only Beloved Son to die and save us from our sins.

Romans 9:20 (NLT) asks the question: "Who are you, a mere human being, to argue with God?"
It’s much better to give up your contest with God. It takes too much energy. It is much easier to yield to His will and trust Him in whatever you are going through. Surrender. Lie on His breast and let Him quiet your spirit just as a babe is quieted at his mother's breast.
Although you cannot see it, God is working everything out for good (read Genesis 50:20). And no matter what you have suffered, God is able to heal your broken heart. He is the great Healer and Restorer.
You may even be struggling at accepting motherhood. You keep feeling pulled to other things outside your home. Trust God, dear mother. You are in the perfect will of God as you mother and nurture the precious children God has given to you. Don’t resist it. Embrace it with all your heart.
I love the words of Hannah Hurnard:
In acceptance lieth peace,
O my heart be still;
Let thy restless worries cease
And accept His will.
Though this test be not thy choice,
It is His—therefore rejoice.
He waits for you to come and rest in His love.
Love from Nancy Campbell