Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Do you remember when Peter and John prayed for the man who was lame from his mother’s womb, and he was immediately healed? He began walking, leaping, and praising God. All the people saw it and began to praise God. In fact, about 5,000 people believed on Jesus. This was too much for the devil.
The priests and Sadducees put Peter and John in custody until the next day when they met together to make their decision. Their verdict? “’We can’t deny that they have performed a miraculous sign, and everybody in Jerusalem knows about it. But to keep them from SPREADING THEIR PROPAGANDA ANY FURTHER, we must warn them not to speak to anyone in Jesus’ name again.’ So they called the apostles back in and commanded them never again to speak or teach in the name of Jesus” (Acts 4:16-18 NLT).
Do you notice that they called the truth PROPAGANDA? A visible miracle was performed for all to see but to the enemies of Christ it was propaganda. That is what’s happening today. Anyone who stands up against the tyranny in our nation is called a conspiracist. Unless you fall in completely with the liberal agenda, your beliefs are propaganda. I mentioned yesterday about 87,000 IRS agents our liberal government want to bring in. It’s common knowledge but comments disowned it. Scroll down and you’ll see their plans in their own words, including “carrying firearms and willing to use deadly force.”
Did Peter and John become victims to their verdict? No. They answered: “Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:19, 20).
The devil wants to close our mouths. He does not want the gospel to be proclaimed. He does not want the truth to get out. He propagates lies and deception and fake news.
As mothers, we must be courageous for truth. If we are wishy-washy, stay silent, and cave into the droning fake news, what will happen to our children? We must know the truth to tell them the truth. We must be bold for the truth and teach them to stand up boldly for truth. If we allow this next generation to be deceived by the current socialist agenda, there is no hope for this nation.