Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

Welcome to the world, sweet baby be
You came hand-delivered, sent to me
With a tiny, small frame, hands and toes,
A full head of hair and rosy pink nose.
Up at my breast you slurp and sip,
Nourishing milk is found on your lip,
I haven't always known, but now I see
Your whole entire world depends on me.
I'm a mama bear, called to stand in the fight
Against evil and lies, to pray in the night,
Our home is a place, come storm, wind, and rain
That will forever and ever exalt God's name.
Give me grace through the day to mirror Your light,
Disciplined, Bible reading, and tender goodnight,
Help me honor this man who’s at my side
With submission, appreciation, come any tide.
Help me nurture wee tots crowded around,
This is Your army, hear their triumphant sound,
Giggles and yawns, pitter-patter feet,
You see the future, You don't miss a beat.
I'll train them steadily with Your law and order,
Standing firm and leaning on Your shoulder,
With prayer and petition, I'll run this race
So my family and I will one day see Your face.
With every warm meal, diaper change, and kiss,
I'm cherishing moments I would have missed
If I took a job, which sometimes sounds nice,
But I'd be ditching my calling, too heavy a price!
Instead I'll stay here in these homey four walls
With my quilts, fireplace, children filling the halls,
This is my sphere, I'll take care of it well,
I'll allow The Lord's blessings, my womb will swell.
Oh mother, stand firm, you're doing holy work,
You get paid in kisses, that's a neat perk,
Your children will rise and call you blessed
And every now and then you'll find some rest.
After babes are in bed, grab your Bible and tea
Sit in bed with your man and read with glee,
These are the words that will shape your heart,
They'll keep surprising you, with every new part.
Set your priorities right, it's costly to fail,
Soon you'll be a legacy, children setting the sail,
A family that’s molded on God's unchanging Word
And went out to witness, out into the world.
Be sweet, kind, and fair, always gentle and giving,
Your children's children will always see you smiling,
And this, oh mother is very hard to do,
But do it with grace, God's covering you!
An older woman you'll be on your death bed
With many gathered around that you have led,
Your children will say (all grown up now),
"Thank you, Mama, for teaching us how.”
You'll smile up at them with a contented white glow,
Knowing they'll go beyond you and continue to grow,
You'll watch from Heaven the countless lives you began
When you chose to trust God in all of His plans.
~ Ashley Lynn O’Brien * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.