Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
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Matt Walsh does an incredible job in interviewing doctors, professors, and young people to find their definition of “What is a woman?” Not one person, professor or doctor alike, would answer the question!
He decided to go to a woman’s march (a liberal one) and ask if they could tell him. Not one could tell him. It’s interesting that these people stand up for a woman’s right to choose when talking about abortion but when it comes to confessing who a woman is they cannot say!
How can a woman be a woman and yet not know who she is? Of course, we know that they don’t want to know. Well, they either refuse to know, or are totally brainwashed by our education system today which is now educating our children from their earliest years that transgenderism is the way to go.
I can’t understand how any God-fearing parent could any longer allow their children to go into our public education system today. It’s through the education system that they are changing the nation. I was once a high school teacher myself, but can no longer compare the education system today with that time. Parents must be aware of what is happening.
Romans 1:26 tells us that when women turned away from their “natural function” that God gave them up unto “vile affections.” And then verse 27 tells us that THEN the men “began to burn in lust toward another.” This downward and destructive path first began with the women. And we notice that these people do not balk at “What is a man?” They can’t take the question “What is a woman?”
I believe it is time for us as women to magnify our role of womanhood. We must show to the world what is a woman? She is a womb man. The womb is our most distinguishing characteristic as a woman.
When we embrace the gift and privilege God has given to bring forth life from the womb, we glorify God as a woman. God created us with breasts to nurture life and we glorify God as we fulfil this God-given function. Yes, this is who we are as women and in this role, we find our true glory and joy.
But of course, you will be saying, “there are many women who are not able to give birth.” But there is more to the woman than the physical. God has also created her with His anointing of compassion and nurturing that is inherently within her. Even if she cannot physically give birth and nurture form her breast, she can pour out her life to comfort and minister to the needy in society. This is our ultimate role as women.
We also show our womanhood in the way we dress. Yes, it’s time to dress like a female and show to the world that we are different than males. If we want to turn this society back to its God-given foundation, we cannot blur the sexes. We must show that we are unique as male and female as created us in the beginning.
Many blessings,
Nancy Campbell