AboveBeyondAs my husband and I started our marriage almost 20 years ago, I did not try to prevent any pregnancies. My husband was in the US Navy then and due to his job hazards and time apart, we hoped and prayed for a baby for five years before we had our first child.

Soon after our first child was born, my husband left the military and I started taking the pill. We barely made enough money to feed our one child, so with no prayer and no faith I took the pill until we were more financially stable and 4.5 years later, we had our second child.

My husband loved having babies and wanted one soon after the last one arrived. This time I “gave into” his desires sooner and we had our third child 2.5 years later. I honestly thought three would be all we could handle financially and emotionally. I grieved when I weaned our third child, our only daughter, knowing it would probably be my last baby to wean.

Up to this point, mind you, God had NEVER FAILED to provide what we needed and beyond, but still, I was a doubter. I had always known I didn’t want to have my tubes tied to prevent pregnancies, but I decided to get an IUD soon after our third child was born (with no care as to what my husband wanted or prayerful consideration).

Fast forward almost four years and we were still a family of three children. Then a copy of THE BABY WAR DVD ended up in my hand, thanks to a dear friend. I knew what the DVD discussed and for about a month, I fought the Holy Spirit about watching it. I finally gave in.

I bawled like a baby watching this DVD. Every word of it stirred my heart and I finally let the Holy Spirit lead. I repented and asked the Lord for His forgiveness for not putting our family truly in His hands.

I talked to my husband about my newly-found convictions and told him I wanted to get rid of the IUD as soon as possible, hoping he’d agree. He was thrilled! Not only that, we made a commitment together that we would never use hormonal birth control again. Especially knowing what I knew about the pill and IUD from watching THE BABY WAR, I couldn’t knowingly sin like that again.

Since then, we have been blessed with two more beautiful children and we are expecting another in October. This last Mother’s Day I cried thinking about how we could have stopped at just three! With every baby, especially these last three, God has provided ABOVE AND BEYOND!

We will soon have six children and God has taken care of so many big financial needs that come with raising a larger family. He has provided us with money to pay for each of the babies’ births, even with rising insurance costs. He provided a much larger vehicle for us where we all fit comfortably. He also provided my husband with a raise at his job whenever we've needed it most.

We are so thankful to God for showing us that His will is best and especially showing me that ALL children are a blessing from the Lord.

Jacksboro, Texas, USA
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Picture: Luke and Ani with their children: Ronin (10), Sullivan (1), Dane (15), Alice Starr (8), and Teddy (3) and new baby coming October 2018.