TurnYourEyesWhat’s your heart attitude today? Upset and brooding because things aren’t going your way? I believe it is important to cultivate a “turning attitude.” It’s not enough to turn once to God. It is a daily, hourly, and moment by moment turning our hearts to Him. Hosea 12:6 says: “Therefore turn thou to thy God: keep mercy and judgement, and wait on thy God continually.”

How do we turn to the Lord? It’s not enough to turn once to God. It is a daily, hourly, and moment by moment turning our hearts to Him. It’s a habit of continually turning to the Lord in every situation and every moment of the day. This should not only become our lifestyle, but the lifestyle we teach to our children.

• Turning to God in thankfulness for all the good things He does for us and the little blessings of each day. Noticing and acknowledging a kind word, smiles from our children, a hug from our husband, the provision of food, a beautiful bird we notice in a tree and all the delightful little blessings of life.
• Turning to God in repentance when we sin, have a wrong attitude, speak angrily, and so on. Keeping a soft heart to constantly turn back to the Lord is the same as repentance. Repentance is not only being sorry for our sin, but turning in the opposite direction to follow God’s ways.
• Turning to God’s Word. If our days are full and busy with children and responsibilities, we can place a copy of the Bible on the windowsill in the kitchen, in the bathroom, where you nurse the baby, etc.
• Turning to righteousness. Not sitting on the fence, but turning towards God’s way which is always holiness.

We not only turn to God, but turn away from that which displeases Him.

• Turning away from evil. But more than that. It’s turning away from that which is permissible to do only that which is profitable and will last for eternity.
• Turning from the negative to the positive.
• Turning from discouragement and despondency to thankfulness and gratefulness.
• Turning from walking in the flesh to walking in the Spirit.
• Turing from conforming to the pattern of this world and instead fixing our hearts on the real world which is the eternal world.
• Turning our attention to the needs of others instead of only thinking of ourselves.
• Turning from our puny thoughts and understanding to God’s thoughts and ways, which are higher than our ways.
• Turning our hearts to our home and children instead of the passing glory of careers and outside activities.

Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
In the light of His glory and grace.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell


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