By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 04 November 2021
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Growing up in New Zealand, a country that is part of the British Commonwealth, we were exposed to royalty. As children we were quite obsessed with royalty. My friends and I would search the papers and magazines every day to hopefully find a picture of one of the royal family which we would dutifully cut out and paste in our Royal Family scrapbooks. We would get together to look at one another’s books and swap pictures we didn’t have.

If you are a child of God, you belong to royalty. You have been welcomed into the kingdom of God and our ruler is the King of all the kings of the earth and Lord of all lords. I think we tend to forget who we really are. The Bible reminds us in 1 Peter 29: “But ye are a chosen generation, a ROYAL priesthood, a holy nation . . .” The dictionary says that royalty means “people of royal blood or status, members of a royal family, that which pertains to a king or queen.”
Truly, we have been redeemed by the royal blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We now belong to a royal kingdom and a royal priesthood.
Therefore, don’t you think we should act in a more royal way? We are princesses of the King of kings. We should teach our daughters to dress, talk, walk, and act like princesses. We should teach our sons to act in a kingly manner. With nobility. Regality. Dignity. The authority of the kingdom of God. We need to remind them that they belong to a royal kingdom. We are raising princes and princesses.
I love Psalm 45:16 which says: “Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children, whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth.”
Of course, we will show them by our own example.
Begin to see yourself as a royal family. Train your children to behave in a royal manner. Become true ambassadors of the King of kings and Lord of lords.
Be blessed today,
Nancy Campbell