Men, we must teach our children the evils of neutralism.

Psalm 94:16 says, “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”

The dictionary defines “neutralize” as “not participating in war, not inclining toward actively taking either side in a matter under dispute.”

The educationists of this day and age are trying all they can to turn the men of this nation into a bunch of "mamby pamby" neutralists and pacifists. They do not even want us to buy toy guns for our little boys. I, for one, do not believe that God created men to be wimps.

Recently I read a very interesting account of the 180 or so men, plus some woman and children, who defended the Alamo in San Antonio, Texas. What bravery--bravery that is hardly ever heard of these days!

I am sure that there are many crazy, infantile disputes that would waste our time to be involved in, let alone take sides.

However, I firmly believe that, under God, we most certainly do have a responsibility to rise up against the evil “Hitlers” of the world, the Islamic extremists and Israel haters who want to drive Israel into the sea.

We do have a responsibility to fight evil child abusers, molesters and ethnic cleansers wherever they are in this world.

We do have a responsibility before God to fight for the life of the unborn.

We do have a responsibly to fight for our constitution.

We do have a responsibility to vote for godly politicians in order to stem the tide of evil, Christian-hating, progressive, socialistic communism that threatens our freedoms and liberties.

We do have a responsibility to protect the sanctity of marriage against the homosexual agenda.

There are some who do not believe that America has any responsibility to intervene against evil in this world. However, Jesus said to go into the all the world, preach the gospel and make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 16:15). Part of this gospel is to raise up orphanages, feed the poor and defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Luke 12:48 says, “For unto whosoever much is given, of him shall be much required.” This nation has been so blessed because it has given so much.

We must not be neutral!

Be encouraged to act. Colin Campbell