By Colin Campbell on Thursday, 26 January 2023
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


You may recall that a few months ago I posted about the Georgia Guide Stones and how that only two weeks before they were struck with lightning, a small group of us were praying in our home at our weekly prayer meeting. A friend from California, Gary Evans, was visiting that night and challenged us to pray against them. Gary and his wife Trish lead the Above Rubies Family Retreat each year, up in the mountains behind San Diego.

This monument on which were written the ten commandments of the New World Order, had been standing for about 40 years. Their first mandate stated: “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.” This would eliminate billions of people.
We prayed powerful prayers that night that God would strike these stones with lightning or whatever, which happened about two weeks later. We know there must have been many others praying too.
However, this answer to prayer caused us all to greatly rejoice as this was obviously more than a coincidence. Ever since this happened, we have become more than ever aware of the similarity of the Tower of Babel and the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the need to attack it through our prayers that it will be destroyed.
The WEF is a tower composed of wealthy elitists and high-minded intellectuals led by Charles Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari who is considered Schwab’s top adviser. He is an Israeli professor in Jerusalem, and an atheist.
He states” “We just don’t need the vast majority of the population.” He also says that people “are no longer part of the story of the future . . . They simply have no role. Humanity 1.0 is being phased out, and only those humans willing to make the Transition to Humanity 2.0 and join the all-new species of transhuman, will be welcomed in the emerging technocratic society.”
He also writes that “the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence and bioengineering . . . “these technologies increasingly will make redundant . . . whatever people are still doing which is useful . . . and make it possible to replace the people.”
If you are not familiar with the plans of the World Economic Forum I would suggest you get hold of the book, “THE GREAT REESET AND THE WAR FOR THE WORLD” by Alex Jones.
The WEF, who meet annually in Davos, Switzerland, have groomed and trained political leaders who are at this present time leading in key positions of many nations, cities, and major wealthy businesses and organizations. In order to bring about a New World Order which will destroy pretty much all or present styles of government and historical constitutions.
Like Nimrod, who was the leader of the first New World Order, they place their trust in what man can do through science and technology to build a tower of a united one world government with themselves at the top! They call all the shots. They are now brazenly calling themselves God and no doubt destroy all those who oppose their views.
This is not a conspiracy theory, or something being done in secret. They are brazen and open about their plans and much of the world is already feeling the impact of their influences. They have the science, the finance, the technology, and the intellectualism to accomplish what they want—but they don’t have God. As Christians we must pray earnestly that God will strike down their proud high towers as He did to the Georgia Guide Stones.
To be continued.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell