A message to all fathers and mothers on the VALUE of a godly home:
Today, I am sending you a message to all fathers and mothers from my husband, Colin, about the VALUE of a godly home.
Home is meant to be a place where we experience first-hand the love of a devoted wife and mother. Every child needs a fulltime mother. She understands that mothering in her home far surpasses all other careers. It is her No. 1 career.
God ordained the home to be the No. 1 place where all Christian families are to be lovingly nurtured by their mothers (Psalm 128:3 and Titus 2:3-5).
• Every Christian home needs a husband and father who will do his very best to demonstrate his love for his wife and family at all times, especially in the home.
• Every Christian husband and father must have the revelation of the great value of homeschooling, home-loving, home-training, home-safety, and home Bible devotions. To this end, he must work willingly and diligently to protect and provide for all the needs of his wife and family.
• Tremendous pressure is put upon the stay-at-home mother to vacate the home. Therefore, all Christian men, and especially church pastors, should go out of their way to strongly encourage the stay-at-home wife and mother.
• Every husband should affirm his wife’s great value and worth in the home. This can never be underestimated.
I believe the nation is as strong as its homes and families. Often the home is vacant day after day from 8 am to 6 pm. Nurseries, daycares, and state schools (including private schools) cannot make up for a mother’s loving smiles, understanding, encouragement, training, and discipline.
• Without a mother, the home is nothing but an empty shell. The mother provides the loving atmosphere in the home.
• Without a mother in the home, the home is sterile and boring.
• Without a mother in the home, it becomes meaningless and without a rudder.
• Without a mother in the home, it loses its anchor and begins to drift to liberal ideologies and eventually crash on rocky shores.
Men, do not encourage your wife away from her nest of little ones. Even older children still need the stable guidance and security of their mothers in the home.
The socialists want woman out of the home. They want to destroy the value of the homemaker. Don’t be ruled by their deceptive ideologies.