By Colin Campbell on Thursday, 15 June 2017
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


The reason the golden altar of prayer is so important is that it ushers us right into the Holy of Holies.

In our failure to place our lives on this golden altar of incense/prayer, we fail to walk in the power and blessings of God’s presence. How easy it is to say to friends or acquaintances who are going through great tragedy: “You will be in our prayers.” We even hear it coming from the lips of politicians and leaders.

“You are in our prayers” can be so politically correct. And yet at the same time we don’t allow it in our public schools! Therefore, it is nothing more than pious lip service. It sounds nice, but it is wrong to say these words and not pray! There was a time in our political and national history when these words were backed up by action.

There are many who are going through tragedy in their lives and need our prayers, not our ever-so-nice platitudes. It’s so easy to talk about prayer and yet not pray!

Hebrews 4:16 says: “Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grade to help in time of need.”

All our needs are met at this altar. There is no other way.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell