AbhorEvilMany Christians who saw, or even just heard about what happened at the Olympics in Paris with the drag queens enacting the Lord’s final supper with His disciples, were disgusted and offended at such blasphemy against the holiness of our holy God. There are some that thought Christians should not say derogatory comments about these transgenderites to offend them and that Jesus would have welcomed them to His table.
Sorry, that is not the truth. The only people who were at the Last Supper Table were twelve the disciples of Jesus. They were disciples, not drag queens. Of course, Jesus would welcome them to His table if they had repented of their lifestyle and become His disciples. What was the first word Jesus spoke when He began to preach? “Repent!”
I am sorry that I did not hear that all spectators and all competitors walked out when watching such mockery. There was even more lewdness than the pictures we saw on Instagram and Facebook. They would not even show them for fear of more horror and push back from people with a conscience.
At least everyone who is God-fearing should boycott watching these Olympics. To go ahead and watch them after their opening night is to side with the devil and with evil. We must decide if we are on God’s side or the devil’s side
I care about the gay community enough to stand outside the Gay Parade festival gates each year with signs in my hands trying to tell them that Jesus loves them, died to save them, and is willing to deliver them if they will repent of their sins.
Of course, all sin is sinful. However, homosexuality is an abomination to the holiness of our holy God, who, despite being willing to forgive the primary evil of Sodom and Gomorrah, promised Abraham that if there were only 10 righteous people living in that city, he would have saved it. Sadly there were not even 10, and God destroyed those cities with fire and brimstone from Heaven.
Seeing the lust for these angelic visitors, Lot offered them his virtuous daughters rather than let them do the unthinkable to his heavenly visitors who were both males.
In the city of Nashville, Tennessee we were shocked at the promotion of lewd sexual dress, drawing attention to their sexual lust. This was done in the public thoroughfare of Broadway Nashville, the buckle of the Bible Belt! These people know no shame.
I believe Christians have a God-given right to be insulted at the blasphemy portrayed by the drag queens. If we Christians do not feel alarmed at what the LGBT people are trying to ram down our throats in the public arena, perhaps we should check out our own sensibility towards the holiness of our God.
We should ask ourselves, is not this bringing judgment upon our country? It did upon Sodom and Gomorrah. None of us want judgment to fall on our beloved country. Therefore, we should stop trying to make God-fearing Christians feel guilty for expressing alarm at such unclean and unnatural behavior.
I have no problem in loving and forgiving all sinners, but don’t force me to be entertained by this type of behavior. I do not want to be regaled by this and I am blessed to hear that many others were horrified to accept this as normal. No, it is not normal to the multitude of God-fearing Christians. Righteous indignation is not wrong when it comes to blasphemy towards Jesus and especially His last supper on earth just before he went to the agony of the cross to die for our sins, including homosexuality.
I take this opportunity to applaud all those Christians who spoke out against this mockery. God bless the “salt and light” people who fear the Lord and his holiness.
Colin Campbell
No picture with this post and we do not need to keep looking at their evil!
YOU HAVE A SAY! (Part 1)

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