Let’s talk a little more about Psalm 94:16, “Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?”

RISE UP is not the call the wimpy neutralist wants to hear. His ear is not tuned to the call of battle. All he wants to hear are lullabies to help rock him back into his apathetic sleep. These words are like thorns poking through his cozy nest and like spears piercing his soft delicate flesh. The signs, “Please do not Disturb” are posted all over his bedroom door. You can hear him snoring blocks away!

STAND UP are words that are likely to give the neutralist a fit of high blood pressure, not to mention the possibility of a heat rash! If this man gets to his feet, you better make sure a chair is nearby, preferably a rocking chair!

The tragedy is that this picture of the wimpy neutralist is what most of our western 21st century Christianity is like. To prove my point, let me ask you how many prayer warriors attend the battle station prayer meetings of your church? Compare this to the number who sit in their comfortably padded pews being entertained by yet another sermon for which few have prayed.

Men, perhaps the greatest thing we can do to take away wimpy neutralism is to pray about it. Things soon change when men pray. The Lord will enable us to RISE UP and STAND UP.

I believe there is not much time left. Make the most of what God has given you to spread the good news of Christ’s love while there is still time. One very good idea is to start showing hospitality, even once a week.

Be encouraged to pray and also pray with your family.

Colin Campbell