By Colin Campbell on Wednesday, 14 June 2023
Category: Meat For Men Daily Encouragement Blog


“If the church is not in possession of truth, truth as an understanding that corresponds exactly to what is in reality, and corresponds exactly to what is in the will and character of God, then it has been left speechless. It has nothing to say. . . . Why, then, has the evangelical church arranged itself around the marketing dynamic rather than around the truth which it is its birthright to proclaim?

“In the evangelical church, the belief in truth has substantially eroded. It is no wonder, if a majority no longer believes in absolutes of any kind, that the evangelical church is finding itself without a voice in a culture which likewise does not believe in absolutes.
“The church has been most influential in those moments when its contrition reached down deeply into its soul, when in its known weakness it cried out to God from the depths, when it sought to live by his truth, and on his terms, when it sought to proclaim that truth in its world, when it was willing to pay the price of having that kind of truth, when it was willing to demand of itself that it live by that truth, when it sought above all else God in his grace and glory. At such moments it has soared and out of its own inherent weakness found extraordinary strength and power. When all of these things have been present, then the church has been the church. “